Rotisserie Stuffed Bacon Wrapped Pork Loin with English Chutney
Recipe type: Entree
Cuisine: American
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Serves: 4-6
  • For the English Chutney:
  • 12 medium, summer tomatoes, peeled and chopped
  • 6-8 green apples, medium sized, peeled, cored and chopped
  • 4 large white onions, peeled and chopped
  • 1 small serrano pepper, seeded and finely chopped
  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 2 lbs brown sugar
  • 1 ½ lbs seedless raisins
  • 2 tablespoons powdered ginger
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons ground cloves
  • 6 cups vinegar
  • For the Stuffed Pork Loin:
  • 3 lbs pork loin
  • 10 ounces Italian sausage, casing removed, raw
  • 6 slices bacon
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 teaspoons Bull’s sweet heat dry rub
  1. For the English Chutney: Place all ingredients into a thick bottom sauce pot. Bring to a boil, and reduce heat to low. Stir frequently and cook for 2.5 - 3 hours until thickened. Remove from heat, place into sterilized jars. Makes about 8-10 pints.
  2. Stuffing and Trussing the Pork Loin: Cut - butterfly the pork loin in half, lengthwise, stopping halfway. Open the loin to make a filet. In a small bowl, add the raw sausage, minced garlic and Bull’s seasoning. Mix with hands until all ingredients are incorporated. Place the sausage mixture on top of the pork filet, leaving about 1 inch of the stuffing around the sides. Take the edge closest to you, and rolling away from your body, carefully wrap the pork into a tight roll. Starting at one end, place and wrap the bacon around the entire pork loin. Make sure each piece overlaps, and completely cover the pork using all of the sliced bacon. Using twine, tie the roast every 1 ½ - 2 inches.
  3. How to Properly Center, Set and Secure Pork Roast Prior to Cooking: Prior to placing the pork onto the spit, we want to center, set and secure the right rotisserie fork with the rear infrared burner on the Bull BBQ. This assures the pork will be properly centered over the burner when time to cook. Center the right fork and tighten to secure into place with pliers. Skewer the spit through the center of the pork, securing into the preset fork. Now slide and secure the second rotisserie fork onto the pork, tightening in place with pliers.
  4. Cooking on the Rotisserie: Remove the grill grates from the Bull Angus Grill. Place an aluminum tray under to catch the drippings. Preheat grill for 15 minutes, using indirect heat by turning two outside burners on medium heat and leaving the two center and rotisserie burners off. Using the Bull pit mitts, place the rotisserie spit with positioned pork onto the Bull rotisserie motor. Turn the rotisserie motor on, turn the two outside burners to medium-low (330 degrees), double check that the pork rotates properly and close the lid. Allow the pork to cook for about 60-80 minutes without opening the lid, until the internal temperature reads 145 degrees.
  5. To Glaze the Pork: Turn the two outside burners off. Turn the rotisserie burner on, placing the the heat on high. Using Bull’s basting brush, generously glaze the pork with the chutney liquid for 10-15 minutes and allow it to caramelize, creating a beautiful golden brown crust on the outside. The stuffed pork loin is done once the internal temperature has reached 145 degrees. To check the temperature, turn the rotisserie motor off. UseBull’s instant read digital thermometer to get a fast and accurate temperature. Turn the heat and motor off and allow the pork to rest for 10-15 minutes. Using Bull’s pit mitts, carefully remove the rotisserie forks and rod from the pork.
  6. To Serve: Place the pork loin on Bull’s bamboo cutting board, and with a sharp knife slice the pork to desired thickness. Place warm chutney in a bowl and serve alongside the pork. Enjoy!
Recipe by Grilling Outdoor Recipes powered by Bull Outdoor Products at