I’m always looking for a breathtaking side dish for our family get-togethers. Grilling an entire stalk of Brussels Sprouts on a Bull Grill is easy and will make a dramatic entrance at any dinner party. When serving, it’s a good idea to use a sharp pairing knife to mostly cut the Brussels Sprout away from the stalk. Partially cutting the sprouts away from the stalk will make it easier to be enjoyed by your guests without deterring from the presentation.
- 1 large stalk of Brussels Sprouts
- Avocado Oil Spray
- Balsamic Glaze
- Course Sea Salt
- Black Pepper
- Spray the entire stalk of Brussels Sprouts with avocado oil place. Liberally season with salt and pepper.
- Place lengthwise directly on a Bull Grill that has been preheated to medium-low. Turn 1/4 turn every 2-3 minutes.
- Continue turning until all the Brussels Sprouts are slightly crunch and golden brown. The grilling time will vary based on the size of Brussels Sprouts.
- Baste the Brussels Sprouts with Balsamic Glaze and quickly grill each side for 10-15 seconds with medium-high heat on a Bull Grill.
- Serve hot on the stalk or remove with a sharp pairing knife.